Explainer: Does TikTok Have a Carbon Footprint? Social media is a huge part of our lives, and unless we have some Station Eleven style meltdown, that won’t change anytime soon. Millions of us enjoy creating content for... Living
Behind the Scenes: How a Beach Cleanup Turned Into a Photo Shoot If you’ve been to our website, you’ve seen the incredible photos of some Wild Elements community members plugging back into nature—more specifically, the natural splendor of Playa Manubo, a quartz... Living
What is Forest Bathing? Forest bathing is the modern translation for the Japanese tradition of Shinrin-yoku. The practice literally means “soak the forest atmosphere,” and it became an official recommendation from the Japanese government... Living
Plant Food: The Best Vegan Cheese in the World Brie, Swiss, and even Mozzarella—it's all possible with vegan swaps. Living
Act Naturally: The Best Movies for Every Wild Element Earth, fire, air, water... and all the nature movies for adults that celebrate them. (Or you could just watch The Craft.) Living
Plant Food: The Best Vegan Bacon in the world Bring home the bacon, but with plant-based benefits for you and the planet. Living
5 Musicals That Are Actually Environmental Protests Photo Credit: Disney / "The Lion King" Warning: This post has BTE—big theater kid energy—but when it comes to raising our voices for the health of the Earth, that’s a... Living